In the last week of January, 2009, a matter that was posted for final hearing at the Madras High Court was adjourned due to a one day strike by the Advocates. The matter was thus posted, once again, for final hearing on 19th February, 2009. Unfortunately, I was unavailable on this date due to my commitment to attend a seminar.
I had mentally given up attending the seminar since the matter at the High Court was an important matter for our Company. I shared my predicament with my facilitator, Srikumar, who matter of fact but powerfully told me that there was no way that I am going to miss the seminar on 19th February, and also reminded me of the commitment I had made to attend the same. I tried to explain to him the situation and that the Judge would not change the date even if I asked the Judge to advance the date of hearing. He retorted ‘ when there is a will, there is a way’ and posed a question ‘ do you want to honour your commitment and your word’?.
I got enrolled to his powerful statement and got touched, moved and inspired. That probably was the moment of truth and I decided to put in my best efforts to attend the seminar and also persuade our company’s advocate to get the date advanced. From then on, I was unstoppable and literally on a daily basis I have in more than one way convinced my advocate as to why I should attend the seminar and that I had a commitment to keep. After a lot of persuasion for around ten days and cajoling on my part, my advocate agreed to meet the Judge in her chamber and persuade her for a change in the date of hearing. As bad luck would have it, the advocates at the Madras High Court struck work from the 10th February to 18th February, and the Court was to reopen on 19th February, the date of our hearing. Due to this strike, my advocate expressed his inability to meet the Judge in her chambers as it would go against the decision of his brethren not to attend court.
I was at my wit’s end and for sometime had given up even trying to attend the seminar. But the words of my facilitator started ringing in my ears and I told myself I will not give up. There were several rounds of discussions with my advocate between 10th and 18th and I tried all tricks available in the book to convince my advocate that attending the seminar was important. However, I booked my flight tickets since a change in the date was still uncertain. On 18th night, the daily cause list of the Court arrived and our matter was not listed. My advocate informed me that the Judge was on casual leave and I need not attend the court.
Looking back, I realize that I had been so powerful those two weeks and had put in my best to ensure that I attend the seminar. So powerful was my commitment to attend the seminar that, like it is said, ‘the whole universe conspired for me’. Let me humbly submit I realized that it was always the reasons and justifications that we give ourselves that stop us and that we can be persuasive , if we want to be. Later my advocate told me that he had never seen me so powerful and engaging. I have learnt a lesson that whatever may be the situation, I will put in my best and never ever have a lingering conversation within myself that something is not possible.
Thank you, Srikumar, for enabling me honouring my word and being unstoppable.
Develop the Heart: More Than Just a Sharp Mind
11 hours ago
A very inspiring post! And something we can all learn from. It is so very easy to just give up when we are in a difficult position and when that happens, we're the biggest losers. Thanks for the inspiration!
This post is so inspiring and reminds me of the power we each have within us - the power that Landmark is committed to having us see and embrace. Never say die is right!
Being unstoppable and helping the universe conspire for us, begins from us !!
And this is the powefull lesson that this post teaches all of us. It is the thought within us that matters. The most !
And thanks so much for sharing sir !
Where there is a will there is a way. Your experience has substantiated that. Wonderful and an inspiring post.
Thanks Sylvia for your comments. It was a powerful experience for me.
Thanks Debra, you know how Landmark leaders can be.
Thanks Kavi, I see this everyday in you.
Thanks Giri,my acknowlegments.
A really inspirational life's lesson. I'm really glad you shared it with us.
Thanks Sucharita for the encouragement.
Good for you..
A very inspiring post on how powerful positive thinking can be. And that we must develop the strengths to keep it going in the face of diversions.....a strong positive will works wonders.
But also a post that points to a complete lack of planning in some of our offices. And a question of whether positivity is a function of possible likely expenses. How many people wasted how much effort, work-days, money, and time trying to get to Chennai to attend court on the 19th? What about those who were already in trains ? Is there some leadtime involved in applying for casual leaves for judges ? That this was told to you on 18th evening only, is surprising .
Just wondering if there are rules about this....
Thanks Priya for your comments.
Thanks Ugich Konitari for your insight and the concern expressed. Unfortunately, in our courts, the list comes just a day ahead. Appreciate your point of view and the inconvenience caused to many.
Wonderful thought as always Sir. When we want something& really have the desire to achieve it, we can work against all odds to get what we want.
Your sharing has helped me put few things into perspective..
Thanks for the inspiration!
Thanks Minoshka. I am happy you came over. Thanks if I have touched your being.
That was a great post. The secret is to remain determined and focused on our goal and keep stiving to reach it no matter how things are crumbing around us. Well done to you!
How wonderful to know that keeping your word and your honor meant so much that it gave you a powerful voice and the universe responded. Excellent post and one that I hope many more read and appreciate!
Very inspiring one.
Very inspiring post Sir...
When we know what we want, and want it bad enough, there's always a way out...doesn matter who carves out the path... could be us or the universe...
I guess like they say... 'The question isn't who is going to let me,it's who is going to stop me'
Thank you Lilly. It was wonderful to see you visit my blog.
Thanks Aleta. Yes. I lived by my word. It ensured that I live this way.
Thanks Sridhar. Great to see your comments.
Thanks Anuradha that you came over. I will read your post.
Really very inspiring sir.. When we have doubt about achieving something in our minds we can never achieve it but if we are confident enough then no matter what, success comes our way..
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