Children surprise parents. I had this unforgettable experience in a seminar that my daughter recently attended. My wife and I were invited as her ‘graduate guests’ since both of us had attended this seminar earlier organized by the Landmark Forum.
The forum leader asked the participants to share their learning and experience of the forum and our daughter’s hand went up. She was invited to the podium to share. With a lot of confidence and nonchalance she stood before the audience numbering around four hundred and literally created magic. The entire audience listened to her in rapt attention and both of us were dumbstruck and overwhelmed.
She spoke eloquently about her vulnerability in life and as to how the seminar had opened her mental windows and made her present to the ‘present’ and the beautiful moments around. Her concluding remarks still ring a bell in our ears – “I thank you, Papa, for enrolling me to join the seminar. Papa and Mamma, kindly stand up. I want to acknowledge both of you for being such wonderful parents, and Shashank for being a wonderful brother. I thank you for trusting me and believing in me. I love you both”. There was thunderous applause in the auditorium and we were in tears. The forum leader looked at her and remarked ‘very powerful, keep it up’.
We never realized that our daughter had so much potential. Probably, we had always looked at her as a child. This was our moment of truth and we realized she had grown up to be a very confident human being. As the forum leader had remarked, we realised she had always been powerful but that both of us required the clarity of distance to spot her competence.
We congratulate you Shraddha, and may you continue to be powerful, self expressed and extraordinary.
Develop the Heart: More Than Just a Sharp Mind
22 hours ago
Congratulations! It must have been a proud and touching moment for you and your wife!
Thanks SGD, indeed it was.
Wow! It must've been so overwhelming...and you're right abt clarity of distance. Sometimes, we don't give due credit to our family, the sole reason being, we're too much into each others' lives (the fogginess of nearness, perhaps;) Thanks for sharing:)
What a wonderful and moving moment for you and for those of us reading about it! I felt tears in my own eyes as I read. That is really beautiful and wonderful and I'm very happy for you and your family. I've had some moments like that with my own so I do know the joy. Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful moment! And congratulations to you and your wife for being obviously wonderful parents!
Wow! Beautiful vignette, lovingly told! Thank you, indeed, for sharing it. And congratulations to you and Shradda's mom.
OMG! My husband and I did the Forum back in '92 and to this day I tell people that next to getting married, having kids, and our music, The Landmark Forum is the most extraordinary thing we've ever done in our lives. My parents, sisters and friends have all participated, and our two sons did the Young People's Forum when they were 9 and 11 (they're 17 and 19 now!). Landmark Education is a truly extraordinary organization. Nothing beats true transformation. Congrats to you and your wife for raising such a poised, beautiful, and powerful young woman.
Congratulations !! She seems to have won the 'parent lottery' by being born into you !
And it sure must have been overwhelming. It sure must have been. And the clarity that distance brings, with 400 people in tow, is an amazing one indeed. She is now not only your child, but somebody free and powerful in her own right !!
Many congratulations and thanks for sharing !
Congrats and my eyes are moist while reading the post.God bless ur child and all the best to her
Thanks Naperville Mom for sharing. Very true,nearness creates fogging.
Thanks Sylvia for the conratulations. Yes, we attempt to be good parents. Thanks, again for sharing with moist eyes.
Sujatha, thanks for joining us in our happy moments and sharing your joy.
Thanks DebrahL Schubert and I am happy to note that you and your family belong to the world's Landmark family. Wow! I am sold on Landmark and it has created powerful openings for me in life.Thanks for the good wishes.
Thanks Kavi. I loved the 'parent lottery' one and my daughter and wife enjoyed it. And ofcourse, I owe the 'clarity of distance' bit to you, amongst several other things that you made possible.
Thanks Varunavi for sharing our joy with moist eyes. I am happy that my post touched you in a way.
Well Nsiyer - reward for all of that effort over the years. Congratulations to the entire family.
Thanks June Saville for your comments and motivation I have received.
Its great to read this experience... it must have been a proud and emotional moment for both of you... it must be great to see Shraddha blossoming out so beautifully... Congrats for being such loving parents.
U have been tagged!!! :)
Dewdrop is back. Thanks for your comments and a great comeback.
What a great post about a a wonderful occasion. And a great big "Shabash" to your daughter. And congratulations to the whole family , for instilling so much confidence, empathy and clarity of thought in her.
Congrats, it is always a great moment when the offspring makes the parent proud. I think the parent's surprise and joy is greater because, while we are confident of our own abilities and, thus, expect our own successes, we always regard our children as young and vulnerable, and are amazed to find them strong and successful.
Congratulations! Must've been a very proud moment!
Thanks Ugich Konitari for your comments and inspiration.
Thanks Sucharita for the thought that we sometime underestimate the young ones
Hi Sriram for those nice comments.
Iyer Saab
God has blessed your children with great parents and the parents are also equally blessed.
Kudos to your daughter. Wish her a great future.
Pulikku Piranthadhu Punai aguma?
Thanks Giri for those inspiring comments. PULIKKU is questionable.
Thanks , once again.
Iyer, What a wonderful moment it wouldhave been. I wish I was there.No wonder Shraddha has delivered a great speach. You ar a mentor to so many in Penta and APL.The encouraging word and confidence you instill in others definitely pays. I concur with Giri.
My congrats to Shraddha.
Thanks Sridhar. You have always been encouraging me.
Congrats and best wishes to her. Parents always feel proud when their child gives recognition:))
Lovely post, Sir. Your write-up reflected just how proud you and Ma'am are of your daughter.
My best wishes to Shraddha for everything else she takes up ahead in life.
Really commendable! Am sure there are many more moments like this yet to come!
We talk about generation gaps...but isnt that true that children understands parents more nw than lets say 10 years back....all the best to u n ur family :)
I guess i'd never be able to appreciate this at this point sir, but i think parents must let go and give it to their children to take the reins in their hands:) My dad should read this article and more importantly my comment:)
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