A thought flashed my mind ‘ What if I started the New Year as if I had nothing to look back to?’ No past baggage, no experiences and nothing from the past to the present, and then to the future. Oh! great, but how then would the present look like? And then the future? A lot of such questions passed my mind. Somewhere, something that I had learnt then popped up.
‘Nothingness’ at the present was at first discomforting, but also enabled in me the possibilities of 'everything'. If I have nothing, then everything is possible. A new paradigm to live life, a powerful life to lead and actually write the script that I can dream to live - everyday of my life. So the future, then, will be a life full of possibilities and anything I want, I dare and would be ‘raring’ to go. That looked interesting but overwhelming.
Life, I thought, anyway was a zero sum game. One starts from nothing and ends up with nothing. Rich or poor, all end up the same way. Some are cremated, some are buried. Life, finally, is empty and meaningless. What remains is the present....
Then why not start life anew? The immediate possibility now is to think on ‘New Year Resolutions’, and take them on with curiosity and excitement every day in the New Year.
I am sure you will wish me all the best.
The Slippery Surface of Envy
13 hours ago
Sir, Ofcourse, we will wish you all the best. And knowing you, you will take every effort to stick to those resolutions !
On another plane, your post makes me ponder about the zero sum game. And how much importance is attached inbetween the two zeroes is indeed mind boggling.
People are killed, maimed, cheated etc etc...all to sustain the inbetween the two zeroes !! How much more meaningless can life be !?!?
Youve made me think through !! Thank you !
A wonderful thought brought out with such simplicity.
It's right Sir, that life begins and ends with a nothing and that its the present that matters. But having said that I also strongly believe that little failures from the past carry meaningful lessons to script a better future.
I'd rather carry over my 'lessons learnt' in this last one year than start afresh only to have to stumble again.
About your take on New Year Resolutions... I fully agree. I've never taken it seriously before this, but this time round I've decided to carefully prepare my list of resolutions and take them forward... complete with curiosity and excitement.
All the best with your resolutions, Sir :)
It's a fantastic thought and I would say quite an innovative idea to leave your baggages behind to move into the arena of positiveness. To me, this thought immediately gave a spark of energy inside, I could go through the flashback of years where every new year used to be event of looking forward making new resolutions and creating differences (at least that's the power of thought we, atleast I, used to have). Today, after reading this post, suddenly, I'm feeling myself more powerful, full of possibilities and less with constraints. Thank you Sir. And I wish, you a meaningful 2009 ahead.
Thanks Kavi. Yes in between which is the every moment present is the surest way to enjoy the journey of life.
I agree, Priya.Only thought was the past may have happened the way it happened because we were closed to new possibilities. The choice is ours, as long as new vistas are opened.
Thanks Patwardhan Sir. A comment like ' insightful'from you is in itself a great appreciation.
Sudipto, thanks. I am happy you took the time to post a comment and I am happy that you will use this thought to your advantage.
Its a nice thought for getting prepared for the new year. but i feel, life is full of surprises & excitement. All the new ventures, a new day at work everything is full of excitement & challenges. So i would like to say that "Always Expect the Unexpected" & just chill in life & rock your NEW YEAR with full of joy.
Best of Luck Sir......... :)
Ajit Nair
I am half way through 'The Alchemist' and it talks about life being led where destiny leads it to. In that light, I see a lot of sense in this.
You made it insightul (to restate Mr.Vivek Patwardhan) by stating "Nothing from the past to the present, and then to the future".
"Nothing from the past to present" most of us attempt, some with success and some without that.
"and then to the future". I liked it so much. Really insightful.
I am taking this resolution not from the New Year but from NOW.
Amazing Sir, the thought about life being a zero sum game is so deep, made me think about certain things so differently.
All the best with your new year resolutions!!
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