‘Ring out the old, Ring in the new’, another year gone by. As the sun sinks into its golden cup this last day, we will all bid adieu to 2008. And then would wake up to a new tomorrow , a tomorrow in the New Year that is about to dawn with lots of hopes, aspirations, dreams, promises, resolutions - so on and so forth.
It is only optimism in my sinew that is the driver this new year. Though I have drawn a laundry list of things to be achieved, my ultimate cup of joy would emanate from giving myself fully to whatever comes my way. Whether it is work, leisure, being with people or being with myself, savouring every moment and living life fully will be my declared credo.
On the lighter side, talking about our hopes turning into fruition in the new year, I remember a short anecdote. There were two donkeys, one seemed very happy and the other sad. When asked the secret for its happiness, it replied to the other donkey “ My master with whom I work is one who performs rope balancing tricks. He and his daughter walk on a rope tied between two poles and do the balancing act. While training his daughter, I heard my master telling her that if she lost her balance and fell down while walking on the rope, he would get her married to me. I am waiting for the day when she slips and falls.” That’s hope. The second donkey continued “What if she never falls?”, to which the donkey replied “ Life continues and heavens will not fall down”.
So, finally its all about hitching one’s wagon to a star, and going full steam with unwavering faith married to unstinting effort. If at the end, one fails, so what? It’s not the end of the world. At least there was meaning and purpose in what one aspired for.
The thought therefore is to drop one’s guard and bare one’s soul. Like James Dean said “Dream as if you’ll live forever. Live as if you’ll die today”.
Best wishes for a happy and prosperous New Year.
The Slippery Surface of Envy
8 hours ago
That's a nice post, Sir.
'Drop your guard, bare your soul' is a nice motto to have in the New Year.
The story you've written out is something all of us can learn from.
Setting up a goal and working as much as you can for it is definitely more satisfying than simply meandering along in life. Even though the dream may take forever or beyond to be fulfilled!
I've already hooked myself to a few stars and that makes my 2009 seem so much more promising!
Happy New Year, Sir!
What a way to end the year ! How many times do we ( I ) make an ass of myself..! Well chronicled by the old rope trick !
Hitching the wagon to the right star, will of course take us to the right place !!
its been a great association sir, and here is wishing you all the very best for a great 2009
Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase said Martin Luther King Jr.
Beginnings are always scary and endings are usually sad, but it's everything in between the beginning and the end that makes it all worth living.
Let us give plentous efforts and have the donkey's faith.
A happy and prosperous New Year.
Dear Sir,
Faith is a great thing which drives this world. Keep your dreams and wishes and try to get them fulfilled, some will get fulfilled and others will not. Never get bogged down by disappointment.
Wishing you and the family a very happy, prosperous, Peaceful and Healthy New Year.
Live life to the fullest... kya pata, kal ho na ho!!! :)
Happy New Year Sir!!!
Thanks Priya.Energising that a lot of thoughts gets supplemented.
I started this blog - 'cause of you. Thanks for the inspiration.
Yes Girivasan, the quality of the journey is important.
My understanding is most of the times we ourselves come in our own way which leads to disappointment. Thanks, Ganesh.
You are telling me, Dewdrop, the lines you said urges me to make most of life. Thanks.
Thanks for visiting and leaving a comment.
I agree that one has to look forward to various positives and carry on .
Thanks Lazyani for leaving a comment.
Iwill continue to visit your blog.
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