He was our family doctor and a close relative. A friend, philosopher and guide to our family. He breathed his last today, very much to the regret of all those who knew him.
Yes, Dr. Anand , we will all miss you.
All of us met him just on the second of January this year – not even a week back. Gregarious by nature, smiling and the cynosure of all eyes, he endeared himself to one and all. A Doctorate of Medicine by profession , Dr. Anand died of
aortic aneurysm – a swelling of the aorta. It all happened within a few hours and suddenly he is no more in our midst.
Any ailment in our family and Dr. Anand was promptly contacted. He cured many of his patients just by instilling confidence and through his love and affection. He was not one to initiate strong measures for ailments but rather would wait and watch before he prescribed any course of treatment. Probably in his own case, he was given no time to wait and watch. It is just unbelievable that our beloved Doctor is no more.
A family of doctors, seven of them that includes Dr. Anand, his late father, Dr. Anand’s wife and daughter, his two brothers and brother’s daughter. Heartfelt and sincere condolences to Dr. Anand’s family for this irreparable loss and may the Almighty give abundant strength to them to tide over this loss.
All of us in the family are at a loss of words and deeply shocked.
What else to say except - ' Death lays its icy hands on Kings.'